
Minggu, 17 Januari 2016

bahasa inggris percakapan bagian dua

I have two hands
[ saya mempunyai dua tangan ]
The left and the right
[ yang kiri dan kanan ]
Hold them up high
[ angkat mereka tinggi ]
So clean and bright
[ begitu bersih dan terang ]
Clap them softly
[ tepuklah dengan lembut ]
1 2 3
My face is bright
[ wajahku cerah ]
My teeth all white
[ gigi - gigi ku semuanya putih ]
My dress is clean
[ rok aku bersih ]
And all of me
[ dan semua dari aku ]
So dear play mates
[ begitu sayang teman bermain ]
Follow me
[ ikutlah aku ]
So that our mother will be happy
[ sehingga ibu kita akan bahagia ]
I have two hands
[ saya mempunyai dua tangan ]
The left and the right
[ yang kiri dan kanan ]
Hold them up high
[ angkat mereka tinggi ]
So clean and bright
[ begitu bersih dan terang ]
Clap them softly
[ tepuk mereka dengan lembut ]
1 2 3

My face is bright
[ wajahku terang ]
My teeth all white
[ gigi - gigiku semuanya putih ]
My dress is clean
[ rok aku bersih ]
And all of me
[ dan semua dari aku ]
So dear play mates
[ begitulah teman main terkasih ]
Follow me
[ ikutlah saya ]
So that our mother will be happy
[ sehingga ibu kita akan gembira ]

• Open the door, please.= tolong buka pintu
• Could you line up here?= dapatkah kamu berbaris di sini
• Don’t do that, please.= jangan kerjakan itu
• Stop that, please.= tolong hentikan itu
• Can you hold this for me?= dapatkah kamu memegang ini untuk saya ?
• Count to ten, please.= tolong hitung sampai sepuluh
• Come here, please. = tolong datang ke sini

1. ……… after the teacher. >> .... sesudah guru
2. ……… to the tape. >> ... tape
3. ……… down on your seal.>>  ... di bangkumu
4. ……… hello to your friend. >>  ... halo ke temanmu
5. ……… in the school yard.>>  ... di halaman sekolah
6. ……… lunch at the school canteen.>> ... makan siang di kantin sekolah
7. ……… about something. >> ... tentang sesuatu
8. ……… at the bird.>> ...  ke burung

1.  Repeat = mengulang + sesudah guru
2. Have = mempunyai
3. Lunch = sarapan siang
4. Look = lihat
5. Listen = mendengar
6. Sit = duduk
7. Hello = halo
8. Talk = bicara
9. Do sport = berolah raga

Listen and repeat after the teacher.
1. Leaving for school

Cindy : We’re leaving.= kami berangkat
Anne : Wait for me! = tunggu saya
Cindy : Hurry up! We’ll be late.= buruan, kita akan terlambat
Anne : Okay. I’m ready. Let’s go.= baiklah, saya siap, mari pergi

2. In the canteen

Harry : What’s the matter?
Andy : I have the hiccups.
Harry : Hold your breath.
Joe : Drink some water.
Ken : Eat a slice of bread.
Andy : It’s okay. The hiccups are gone.

3. At the cross road

Jane : How do I get to the post office from here?
Jim : Walk two blocks to Ahmad Yani Street. Then turn right on
Diponegoro Street. Go another one block to Sumatera Street and
turn left. The post office is on your right-hand side.

4. At the dining room

Jack : Bye, Mom. I’m going cycling.
Mom : Wait a minute. Clean your room before you leave.
Jack : What do I have to do?
Mom : Hang up your clothes. Make your bed. Put your books back on the
shelf. Empty the wastepaper basket. Okay?
Jack : Okay.

1. Going towards the classroom

Ruben : Let’s not talk.
Adit : Hear the bell?
Rubben : Yes. Let’s go.
Adit : Right. Let’s just go in.
Teacher : Line up, please!

2. Mrs. Green is leaving for work.

Clay : Bye, Mum.
Mrs. Green : Get up, please, Clay!
Clay : No worries, Mum.
Mrs. Green : Come on. Have shower.
Clay : In a minute, Mum.
Mrs. Green : Then have breakfast, okay?
Clay : Just a second, Mum.
Mrs. Green : I am leaving. Bye.

3. In front of a food store

Randy : OK, Mum. Buy me some chocolate, please.
Mother : Randy, I’ll go in to get some food stuff. Please stay and keep an eye
on the motorcycle.
Randy : Sure, Mum.
Mother : I will. Don’t talk to strangers.

4. Anto is leaving for school.

Anto : I won’t, Mum.
Anto : Bye, Mum.
Mother : Bye, Anto. Take care. Don’t receive anything—candies or chocolates-
- from anybody.

1. Stand in line.  = berdiri dalam barisan                          
2. Sit down, please.   =   silahkan duduk           
3. Tidy up your desk, please.  = rapikan bangkumu
4. Straighten your chair.   = luruskan kursimu   
5. Turn on the light.= nyalakan lampunya
6. Stop talking, please.= berhentilah bicara
7. Submit your work, please.= serahkan pekerjaanmu
8. Put on your hat, please = kenakan topimu

Fill in the blanks with one of these words.
1. I have a car. This is … … car.
2. You have two horses. They are … … horses.
3. He has a basket. That is … … basket.
4. She has two baskets. Those are …… baskets.
5. We have five apples. These are … …apples.
6. They have boat. It is … … boat.

My - your - our - his - her - their

bahasa inggris percakapan bagian satu

Say “good morning” if you meet someone at between 00.00 – 12.00.
Say “good afternoon” if you meet someone at between 12.00 – 18.00.
Say “good evening” if you meet someone at between 18.00 – 24.00.
Say “good night” when you leave someone in the evening or before going to bed. It means “goodbye”.
Answer these questions.
1. What day comes after Tuesday?
[ hari apa sesudah tuesday ? ]
2. What days come after Thursday?
[ hari apa sesudah thursday ? ]
3. What day comes after Saturday?
[ hari apa sesudah saturday ]
4. What days are school days?
[ hari - hari apa yang merupakan hari - hari sekolah ? ]
5. What days are not school days?
[ hari - hari apa yang bukan hari sekolah ? ]
Where do you live? = kamu tinggal di mana ?
What’s your address?= di mana alamatmu ?
How old are you?= berapa usia kamu ?
When were you born? = kamu lahir di mana ?
In Joni’s living room
Ani : How many cars are there in your garage?
[ ada berapa mobil di garasi kamu ? ]
Joni : There are two.
[ ada dua ]
Ani : Are they new?
[ apakah mereka baru ? ]
Joni : One is old and one is new.
[ yang satu lama dan yang satu baru]
1. What are Ani and Joni talking about?
[ they are talking about car ]
2. Can you describe it/them?
Asking for and giving information Responses
• What’s your name?= siapa nama kamu ?
• How do you spell it?= bagaimana kamu mengejanya ?
• Where are you from?= kamu berasal dari mana ?
• When were you born?= kamu lahir di mana ?
• Where do you live?= kamu tinggal di mana ?
• What colour is your house? = apa warna rumahmu ?
• Is it big?= apakah besar ?
• Which one is your bike?= yang mana sepeda kamu ?
• Is that your new bike?= apakah itu sepeda baru kamu ?
• How many chairs are there? = ada berapa kursi di sana ?
. My name is Joni.= nama saya joni
• J-O-N-I.
• I am from Jakarta.= saya dari jakarta
• I was born on July 26, 1996.= saya lahir 26 juli, 1996
• I live at Jl. Bintoro 23, Surabaya. = saya tinggal di jalan Bintoro 23 surabaya
• White.= putih
• No, it isn’t.= tidak, bukan
• The yellow one.= yang berwarna kuning
• No, it isn’t.= tidak, bukan
• There are four chairs. = ada empat kursi
In the classroom
[ dalam ruangan kelas ]
Mrs. Santosa : Hello. Are you the new student?
: [ halo, apakah kamu murid baru ? ]
Ben : Yes, Ma’am. I am.
: [ ya, betul ]
Mrs. Santosa : And your name …?
: [ dan nama kamu ...? ]
Ben : Ben, Ma’am.
: [ ben, ibu ]
Mrs. Santosa : Ben. Is that it?
: [ ben. Apa betul ? ]
Ben : Benedict, Ma’am.
: [ benedict, ibu ]
Mrs. santosa : How do you spell it?
: [ bagaimana mengejanya ? ]
Ben : B-E-N-E-D-I-C-T.
Mrs. Santosa : Right… Nice to meet you, Benedict.
: [ bagus, senang bertemu kamu, Benedict ]
Ben : Nice to meet you too, Ma’am.
: [ senang berjumpa anda juga, ibu ]
In the library[ dalam perpustakaan ]
Anang : Hi, Ben. I am Anang.
: [ hai, ben. Saya anang ]
Ben : Hi, Anang.
: [ hai anang ]
Anang : Where are you from?
: [ kamu berasal dari mana ? ]
Ben : I am from England.
: [ saya dari  negara Inggris ]
Anang : England? That’s very far.
: [ Inggris ? Itu sangat jauh ]
Ben : Indeed.
: [ memang ]
One mouse= satu tikus
One black mouse= satu tikus hitam
Ten black mice = sepuluh tikus hitam
One polar bear= seekor beruang
One white polar bear= seekor beruang putih
Two white polar bears= dua ekor beruang putih
One elephant= seekor gajah
One grey elephant= seekor gajah abu - abu
Two grey elephants= dua ekor gajah abu - abu
One squirrel= seekor squirel
One brown squirrel= seekor squirel coklat
Three brown squirrels= tiga squirel coklat
One flamingo= satu flamingo
One pink flamingo= satu flamingo merah muda
Four pink flamingos= empat flamingo merah muda
One frog= satu katak
One green frog= satu katak hijau
Five green frogs= lima katak hijau
One carrot= satu wortel
One orange carrot= satu wortel orange
Seven orange carrots = tujuh wortel orange
One grape= satu anggur
One purple grape= satu anggur ungu
Twenty six purple grapes= 26 anggur ungu
One corn= 1 jagung
One yellow corn= 1 jagung kuning
Five yellow corns= 5 jagung kuning
One whale= 1 ikan hiu
One blue whale= 1 hiu biru
One strawberry= 1 strawbery
One red strawberry= 1 strawbery merah
Twelve red strawberries = 12 strawbery merah
To tell where something is, you use a preposition.
[ untuk memberitahukan di mana sesuatu berada, gunakan preposition ]
So, a preposition goes with a noun.
[ jadi, preposition berjalan bersama sebuah noun ]
Look at the examples below.
[ lihat contoh - contoh di bawah ]
Places[ tempat - tempat ]
On the wall In the classroom Next to the TV
[ di dinding dalam kelas dekat tv ]
Under the table Over there Beside the sofa
[ di bawah meja di sana disamping sofa ]
On the tree At home Behind the table
[ di atas pohon di rumah di belakang meja ]
Time= waktu
Today= hari ini
Yesterday= kemarin
Tomorrow= besok
In the morning= di pagi hari
At noon= di siang hari
In the afternoon= di sore hari
In the evening= di petang hari
At night= di malam hari
In May= dalam bulan mei
On the 1st of May= hari pertama bulan mei
In 2004= dalam tahun 2004
At one o’clock = di jam satu
Tina: Do you have any pets at home?
[ apa kamu punya hewan peliharaan di rumah ? ]
Roni: I have a cat and two rabbits.
[ saya punya satu kucing dan dua kelinci ]
Tina: Are they cute?
[ apakah mereka menyenangkan ? ]
Roni: Yes, of course. I like playing with them.
[ ya, pasti. Saya suka bermain bersama mereka ]
Questions:[ pertanyaan - pertanyaan ]
1. What pets does Roni have?
[ hewan peliharaan apa yang roni punya ? ]
2. How many chickens does Roni have?
[ berapa ekor anak ayam yang dimiliki oleh roni ? ]
3. What does Roni like to do with them?
[ apa yang roni suka kerjakan bersama mereka ? ]
a. Do it carefully, please.= kerjakan dengan hati - hati
b. I think it’s near your desk.= saya kira ia dekat meja kamu
c. Sorry, I use it everyday.= ma'af, saya menggunakannya setiap hari
d. It’s in your bag.= ia berada di dalam tas kamu
e. It’s over here.= ada di sana
f. There’s a canteen over there = ada sebuah kantin di sana
A. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
[ pilih kata dalam (_) yang benar ]
1. Monik : How many (pen/pens) do you have?
[ berapa pena yang kamu punya ? ]
Ali : I have only one (pen/pens).
[ saya hanya punya satu pen ]
2. Mamik : How many (seat/seats) in the classroom?
[ berapa banyak tempat duduk di dalam kelas ? ]
Andy : There are about 40 (seat/seats)
[ ada kira - kira 40 kursi ]
3. Rany : Do you have pets? I have two (bird/birds) at home.
[ apa kamu punya hewan peliharaan ? Saya mempunyai 2 burung di rumah ]
Dan : I have a (rabbit/rabbits)
[ saya mempunyai seekor kelinci ]
4. Dyah : How many big (tree/trees) are there in the school yard?
[ ada berapa pohon besar di halaman sekolah ? ]
Reza : I think there are four (tree/trees).
[ saya kira ada empat pohon ]