
Kamis, 11 September 2014

Simple present tense

Simple present
True in past time, in present time, in the future time.
Statement of fact
1. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen
.. (air mengandung hidrogen dan oksigen)
2. Most animals kill only for food
.. (kebanyakan hewan membunuh hanya untuk mendapatkan makanan)
3. The world is round
.. (bentuk bumi bulat)
Everyday activity
1. I study for 2 hours every night
.. (saya belajar selama 2 jam setiap malam)
2. My classes begin at nine
.. (kelas saya dimulai jam sembilan)
3. He always eats a sandwhich for lunch
.. (dia selalu makan 1 sandwhich untuk sarapan siang)
Exists at the moment of speaking
1. I have only one dollar right now
.. (saya hanya memiliki 1 dollar sekarang)
2. I don't recognize that man
.. (saya tidak mengenal orang itu)
3. He needs a pen right now
.. (dia memerlukan sebatang pena sekarang)

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