
Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

Ujian bahasa Inggris semester 1 bagian 1

Persiapan ujian bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester satu bagian 1

Choose the correct word

1. (  I - My ) parents are Spanish
# my parents are Spanish
# kedua orang tua saya bangsa Spanyol

2. ( I - My ) am the only boy in my family
# I am the only boy in my family
# saya satu-satunya anak lelaki di keluarga saya

3.  What's ( you - your ) name ?
# What's  your name ?
# Siapa namamu ?

4. Where are ( you - your ) from ?
# Where are you from ?
# kamu berasal dari mana ?

5. ( She - Her ) is a photographer
#  she is a photographer
# dia seorang pemotret

6. ( He - His ) uncle is in the USA
#  His uncle is in the USA
# Paman dia berada di Amerika

7, ( We - Our ) family is from Asia
#  Our  family is from Asia
# keluarga kami berasal dari Asia

8. ( They - Their ) Cousins are both girls
# Their cousins are both girls
# Sepupu mereka kedua - duanya perempuan

Use the possesive adjective

1. I'm Fabian { my name }
# My name's Fabian
# Nama saya Fabian

2. Anni's sister is Claire { her }
# Her sister is Claire
# Saudari dia adalah Claire

3. Francis and Antony's  cousins are Juliet and Jane
# Their cousins are Juliet and Jane
# Saudara sepupu mereka adalah Juliet dan Jane

4. Fritz's grandparents are dead { his }
# His grandparents are dead
# Kakek nenek dia sudah meninggal dunia

5. Are you Silvian ? { your name }
# is your name Silvian ?
# apakah namamu Silvian ?

6. Helen is Peter's and my niece { our niece }
# Helen is our niece
# Helen adalah keponakan kami

Make one sentence from the two sentences with { and } or { but }
1. I'm in Spain. I'm from Argentina
# I'm in Spain but I'm from Argentina
# saya di Spanyol tetapi saya dari Argentina

2. I'm 21. my sister is 21
# I'm 21 and my sister is 21 too
# saya berusia 21 tahun dan saudari saya juga 21 tahun

3. I'm British. Hindi is my first language.
# I'm British but Hindi is my first language
# saya orang Inggris tetapi Hindi adalah bahasa pertama saya

4. He's from Germany. He's in Rusia at the moment
# He is from Germany but he's in Rusia at the moment
# Dia dari Jerman tetapi dia berada di Rusia pada saat ini

5. My friend is 30. He's single.
# My friend is 30 but he is single
# Teman saya berusia 30 tahun tetapi dia masih lajang

6. I live in Spain. I work in France
# I live in Spain but i work in France
# saya tinggal di Spanyol tetapi saya bekerja di Perancis

7. She's a student. She is at Oxford university
#  She is a student and she is at Oxford university
# Dia seorang pelajar dan dia di universitas Oxford

8. My family is in the countryside. I'm in the city
# My family is in the countryside but I'm in the city
# Keluarga saya tinggal di pinggiran kota tetapi saya tinggal di kota

Put the word in order to make question

1. Your / name ? / 's / what
# What's your name ?
# Siapa namamu ?

2. From / are / England ? / you
# Are you from England !
# Apakah kamu dari Inggris ?

3. Are / you / where / from ?
# Where are you from ?
# Kamu berasal dari mana ?

4. Married ? / you / are / single or
# Are you single or married ?
# Apakah kamu sendirian atau sudah menikah ?

5. You / are / an explorer ?
# Are you an explorer ?
# Apakah kamu seorang penemu ?

Use { is } , { isn't }, { are }, { aren't }
1. What { is } His name ?
# Apa nama dia ?

2. His name { is } Felipe
# Nama dia adalah Felipe

3. What { is } Her name ?
# Apa nama dia ?

4. { Are } They married ?
# Apakah mereka sudah menikah ?

5. Yes, they { are }
# ya, mereka sudah

6. Are they from Mexico ?
# Apakah mereka dari Mexico ?

No, they { are not } They are from Brazil
Tidak. Mereka dari Brazil

7. What { is } Felipe's job ?
# Apa pekerjaan Felipe ?

8. He { is } a pilot
# Dia seorang pilot

9. Is Camila an engineer ?
# Apakah Camila seorang insinyur ?

10. No, she { is not } she { is } a presenter
# Tidak, dia bukan. Dia seorang pembawa acara

Choose the correct option

1. What's { you - your } name ?
# What's your name ?
# Apa namamu ?

2. { He - His } aunt is French
# His aunt is French
# Bibi dia adalah orang Perancis

3. { They - Their } are my Cousins
# They are my cousins
# Mereka saudara sepupu saya

4. { The photographer's - photographer is  }  wife is  { my - i } best friend
# The photographer's wife is my best friend
# Istri pemotret adalah teman akrab saya

5. { She - Her } mother is from Germany but { Her is - i'm } from Switzerland
# Her mother is from Germany but I'm from Switzerland
# Ibunya dari Jerman tetapi saya dari Swiss

Match the words
1. Surname > Obama
2. Relationship > brother
3. Age > 28
4. Job > teacher
5. Marital status > single
6. Country > China

Lanjut ke SEMESTER 1 bagian 2
Thanks to : Audrey L.

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