Bentuk pertanyaan (?)
Bentuk jawaban positif (+)
Bentuk jawaban negatif (-)
1. (?) Was he a good man
(+) Yes, he was a good man
(-) No, he wasn't a good man
catatan nomer 1
Was adalah bentuk past simple dari is / am
2. (?) Was the teacher with the students
(+) Yes, he was with them
(-) No, he wasn't with them
catatan nomer 2
the teacher boleh diganti dengan he atau she (dia)
the students boleh diganti dengan them (mereka)
3. (?) Is she an interesting girl
(+) Yes, she is an interesting girl
(-) No, she isn't an interesting girl
catatan nomer 3
an interesting girl = seorang anak perempuan yang menarik
digunakan "an" karena kata "interesting"dimulai dengan huruf "i"
an apple, an iron, an egg, an umbrella.
a cat, a table, a chair, a book.
4. (?) Are they going to buy some books
(+) Yes, they are going to buy some books
(-) No, they aren't going to buy any books
catatan nomer 4
aren't berasal dari are not
5. (?) Is John late
(+) Yes, he is late
(-) No, he isn't late
catatan nomer 5
is not boleh ditulis isn't
6. (?) Does Mary teach in school
(+) Yes, she teaches in school
(-) No, she doesn't teach in school
catatan nomer 6
does mary teach .....
yes, she teaches .....
no, she doesn't teach ....
Setelah melihat contoh - contoh di atas, marilah kita pelajari tata bahasanya.
* do you bisa dijawab dengan yes, i do. bisa juga dijawab dengan no, i do not (don't)
* does he bisa dijawab dengan yes he does. bisa juga dengan no he doesn't
* does she bisa dijawab dengan yes she does bisa juga dengan no she doen't.
* do we bisa dijawab yes we do bisa juga no we don't.
* do they bisa dijawab dengan yes they do bisa juga dengan no we do not (don't)
Mari sekarang ktta mempelajari yang berikut ini
1. Apakah mereka di Bandung sekarang ?
Are they in Bandung now ?
2. Ya, mereka di Bandung sekarang.
Yes, they are in Bandung now.
3. Tidak, mereka tidak di Bandung sekarang.
No, they are not (aren't) in Bandung now.
Are Are
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