
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

try out bahasa inggris masuk smp

Soal Try Out Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris. Ujian Sekolah meliputi 11 mata pelajaran yang ada di Sekolah Dasar. Salah satu mata pelajaran Muatan Lokal yaitu mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Mata Pelajaran ini memang membutuhkan kemampuan menguasai Bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Untuk membantu anda mempersiapkan diri menghadapi Ujian Sekolah, berikut ini saya mencoba menulis contoh soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar. Semoga dapat membantu anda.

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) A, B, C, or D !
1. Ali : Good bye, Doni ?
    Doni : ...., Ali ?
  • A. Good Night
  • B. Good Bye
  • C. Good Morning
  • D. Good Evening
Jawaban : B
2. We can see the pictures with our...
  • A. Nose
  • B. Ear
  • C. Eye
  • D. Hand
Kita dapat melihat gambar menggunakan mata (eye) kita.
3. Four plus four is...
  • A. Five
  • B. Six
  • C. Seven
  • D. Eight
Empat ditambah empat = delapan (eight)
4. How do you spell this letter ?
  • A. Di
  • B. Dei
  • C. Gei
  • D. Ji
A=(ei), B=(bie), C=(sie), D=(die), E=(ie), F=(ef), G=(jie/ji;) H=(eits), I=(ai), J=(jei), K=(kei), L=(el), M=(em), N=(en), O=(ou), P=(pie) Q=(kyu), R=(a;), S=(es), T=(tie/yi;), U=(yu), V=(vie/vi), W=(dabelyu), X=(eks), Y=(wai), and Z=(zed) .
5. What is this ?
    It is a....
  • A. Elephant
  • B. Lion
  • C. Snake
  • D. Horse
Apa itu ? Itu adalah seekor ular (snake)
6. Adi : What is your hobby, Anton ?
    Anton : My hobby is painting, and you ?
    Adi :.....
  • A. Your hobby is football
  • B. My hobby is footbal
  • C. His hobby is football
  • D. I hobby is football
Hobiku adalah bermain bola (My hobby is footbal)
7. Doni :, are you Toni ?
   Toni : Yes I am
  • A. Excuse
  • B. Hi
  • C. Hello
  • D. Sorry
Excuse me, are you Toni ?
8. Where do they play volleyball ?
  • A. At the canteen
  • B. At the school yard
  • C. At the classroom
  • D. At the office
They play volleybal at the school yard
9. Rudi wants to buy a ballpoint, a pencil, and a ruler at...
  • A. Sport shop
  • B. Clothes shop
  • C. Shoe shop
  • D. Book shop
Rudi wants to buy a ballpoint, a pencil, and a ruler at book shop
10. My name...Ani
  • A. Am
  • B. Are
  • C. Was
  • D. Is
My name is Ani
11. Where is the hospital ?
  • A. The east of the library
  • B. The west of the library
  • C. The north of the library
  • D. The south of the library
The hospital is in the east of the library
12. A...leads a kingdom.
  • A. King
  • B. Prince
  • C. Princess
  • D. Queen
A king leads a kingdom
13. Can I borrow your ruler, please? It's mean...
  • A. Bolehkah saya meminta penggarismu ?
  • B. Bolehkah saya mengambil penggarismu ?
  • C. Bolehkah saya meakai penggarismu ?
  • D. Bolehkah saya meminjam penggarismu ?
Bolehkah saya meminjam penggarismu ?
14. Do you learn after school ?
  • A. Yes, you are
  • B. Yes, I am
  • C. No, I do not
  • D. No, you are not
Do you learn after school ? No, I do not.
15. ....delicious this fried chicken !
  • A. Who
  • B. Whom
  • C. Which
  • D. How
How delicious this fried chicken !
16. What is the wheater today ?
  • A. It's rainy
  • B. It's cloudly
  • C. It's winding
  • D. It's sunny
It's rainy
17. Read the text to answer the question number 17 !
Esti likes singing very much. Her voice is soft. She follows song competition. She often wins the competition.
Esti's hobby is...
  • A. Singing
  • B. Dancing
  • C. Cycling
  • D. Camping
Esti's hobby is singing
18. Anton and Andy are playing....
  • A. Basketball
  • B. Badminton
  • C. Football
  • D. Chess
Anton and Andy are playing chess.
19. Do you like fishing ?
  • A. Yes, I do
  • B. Yes, I am
  • C. No, I do
  • D. No, I am
Yes, I do.
20. I am....sir, I come late.
  • A. Sorry
  • B. OK
  • C. Happy
  • D. Agree
I am sorry sir, I come late.
21. Ani : Excuse me,.....I borrow your pen ?
     Anton : Sure.
  • A. Could
  • B. Do
  • C. Does
  • D. Please
Excuse me, cauld I borrow your pen ?
22. The correct meaning of the sign is....
  • A. Don't park here
  • B. Don't turn right
  • C. Don't turn left
  • D. Don't stop here
The sign mean don't park here.
23. Indra : Where is Susan ?
      Bimo : He is in the....
  • A. Swimming pool
  • B. Library
  • C. Classroom
  • D. Canteen
He is in the swimming pool
24. Teacher : Rina, what is 5 x 6 ?
      Rina      : It's ....
  • A. Eleven
  • B. Fifteen
  • C. Twenty
  • D. Thirty
5 x 6 = 30 (thirty)
25. Mother : Ali, can you make me a cup of coffee !
     Ali         : .....
  • A. Yes
  • B, Yes, I am
  • C. No, I am not
  • D. No, I can't
No, I can't
26. We can see night.
  • A. Sun
  • B. Moon
  • C. Star
  • D. Comet
We can see the moon at night
27. The baby is sleeping....
  • A. Turn off the radio, please !
  • B. Turn on the radio, pleaase !
  • C. Turn on the television, please !
  • D. Turn on the VCD player, please !
Turn off the radio, please !
28. The shape of the picture is....
  • A. Circle
  • B. Square
  • C. Rectangle
  • D. Triangle
The shape of the picture is circle.
29. I was absent yesterday, because....
  • A. You sick
  • B. I sick
  • C. I am sick
  • D. I was sick
I was absent yesterday, because I was sick.
30. Arrange into correct pictures !
  • A. 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
  • B. 4 - 3 - 1 - 2
  • C. 1 - 3 - 4 - 2
  • D. 1 - 3 - 2 - 4
Jawaban : B
31. Choose the correct sentences !
  • A. May I help you, please !
  • B. May I you help, please !
  • C. May you help I, please !
  • D. May you I help, please !
May I help you, please !
32. Roni : Do you....grapes ?
      Budi : Yes, I like grapes.
  • A. Love
  • B. Want
  • C. Need
  • D. Like
Do you like grapes ?
33. Shinta : What is your hobby, Shanti ?
      Shanti : My hobby is....
  • A. Dancing
  • B. Singing
  • C. Cooking
  • D. Reading
My hobby is singing.
34. Mother : Can you give me a glass of water, please !
      Budi     : .....
  • A. No, I am
  • B. No, I can't
  • C. Yes, I am
  • D. Yes, I do
No, I can't
35. The setences bellow are the best sugestion to your friend, except...
  • A. Don't speak loudly, please !
  • B. Don't be naughty, please !
  • C. Don't be noisy, please !
  • D. Don't cry, please !
Don't cry, please !
36. Teacher : Good morning student !
      Budi      :...., sir
  • A. Good evening
  • B. Good morning
  • C. Good night
  • D. Good bye
Good morning, Sir.
37. What date is today ?
  • A. August fourteenth, two thausand and ten
  • B. August fifteenth, two thausand and ten
  • C. August sixteenth, two thausand and ten
  • D. August seventeenth, two thausand and twelve
August seventeenth, two thausand and twelve
38. Mr. Adrian gets new job. What his wife say to him ?
  • A. Congratulations to your new job.
  • B. Happy to your new job.
  • C. Thanks to your new job.
  • D. Happy anniversary to your new job.
39. Najwa : What do you feel after school ?
      Hilman : I feel....
  • A. Happy
  • B. Sad
  • C. Tired
  • D. Worry
I feel tired.
40. Tyas : How many day in a week ?
      Budi : It's ....
  • A. Seven days
  • B. Eight days
  • C. Nine days
  • D. Ten days
It's seven days.
41. Father : Ali, do you like apple ?
      Ali      : Yes, I like
      Father : Here you are
      Ali       :.....
  • A. Hello
  • B. Thanks you
  • C. Fine, I thanks
  • D. Hi, Dad
Thanks you
42. your good mark !
  • A. Happy
  • B. Congratulation
  • C. Good
  • D. Fine
Congratulation to your good mark !
43. The correct sentence based on the picture is....
  • A. My hobby is fishing
  • B. My hobby is painring
  • C. My hobby is gardening
  • D. My hobby is flying a kite
My hobby is fishing
44. Roni : Where can I save my money ?
      Budi : You can save it at a....
  • A. Police station
  • B. Gas station
  • C. Bank
  • D. Post office
You can save it at a bank.
45. Earth is the name of...
  • A. Sun
  • B. Moon
  • C. Planet
  • D. Star
Earth is the name of planet.
46. The traffic sign beside mean...
  • A. Don't turn over !
  • B. Don't turn arround !
  • C. Don't turn left !
  • D. Don't turn right !
Don't turn left !
47. Sarah   : ....I go to canteen, sir ?
     Teacher : Of course
  • A. May
  • B. Am
  • C. Are
  • D. Is
May I go to canteen, sir ?
48. Rani   : The class is dirty !
      Lidya : ...., please !
  • A. Could you sweep the class ?
  • B. Could you wash the class ?
  • C. Could you iron the class ?
  • D. Could you erase the class ?
Could you sweep the class ?
49. What time is it !
  • A. It's five o'clock
  • B. It's six o'clock
  • C. It's seven o'clock
  • D. It's eight o'clock
It's seven o'clock
50. The name of the part of the body that showed by the picture is...
  • A. Knee
  • B. Neck
  • C. Shoulder
  • D. Elbow
The name of the part of the body that showed by the picture is shoulder.

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