I have two hands
[ saya mempunyai dua tangan ]
The left and the right
[ yang kiri dan kanan ]
Hold them up high
[ angkat mereka tinggi ]
So clean and bright
[ begitu bersih dan terang ]
Clap them softly
[ tepuklah dengan lembut ]
1 2 3
My face is bright
[ wajahku cerah ]
My teeth all white
[ gigi - gigi ku semuanya putih ]
My dress is clean
[ rok aku bersih ]
And all of me
[ dan semua dari aku ]
So dear play mates
[ begitu sayang teman bermain ]
Follow me
[ ikutlah aku ]
So that our mother will be happy
[ sehingga ibu kita akan bahagia ]
I have two hands
[ saya mempunyai dua tangan ]
The left and the right
[ yang kiri dan kanan ]
Hold them up high
[ angkat mereka tinggi ]
So clean and bright
[ begitu bersih dan terang ]
Clap them softly
[ tepuk mereka dengan lembut ]
1 2 3
My face is bright
[ wajahku terang ]
My teeth all white
[ gigi - gigiku semuanya putih ]
My dress is clean
[ rok aku bersih ]
And all of me
[ dan semua dari aku ]
So dear play mates
[ begitulah teman main terkasih ]
Follow me
[ ikutlah saya ]
So that our mother will be happy
[ sehingga ibu kita akan gembira ]
• Open the door, please.= tolong buka pintu
• Could you line up here?= dapatkah kamu berbaris di sini
• Don’t do that, please.= jangan kerjakan itu
• Stop that, please.= tolong hentikan itu
• Can you hold this for me?= dapatkah kamu memegang ini untuk saya ?
• Count to ten, please.= tolong hitung sampai sepuluh
• Come here, please. = tolong datang ke sini
1. ……… after the teacher. >> .... sesudah guru
2. ……… to the tape. >> ... tape
3. ……… down on your seal.>> ... di bangkumu
4. ……… hello to your friend. >> ... halo ke temanmu
5. ……… in the school yard.>> ... di halaman sekolah
6. ……… lunch at the school canteen.>> ... makan siang di kantin sekolah
7. ……… about something. >> ... tentang sesuatu
8. ……… at the bird.>> ... ke burung
1. Repeat = mengulang + sesudah guru
2. Have = mempunyai
3. Lunch = sarapan siang
4. Look = lihat
5. Listen = mendengar
6. Sit = duduk
7. Hello = halo
8. Talk = bicara
9. Do sport = berolah raga
Listen and repeat after the teacher.
1. Leaving for school
Cindy : We’re leaving.= kami berangkat
Anne : Wait for me! = tunggu saya
Cindy : Hurry up! We’ll be late.= buruan, kita akan terlambat
Anne : Okay. I’m ready. Let’s go.= baiklah, saya siap, mari pergi
2. In the canteen
Harry : What’s the matter?
Andy : I have the hiccups.
Harry : Hold your breath.
Joe : Drink some water.
Ken : Eat a slice of bread.
Andy : It’s okay. The hiccups are gone.
3. At the cross road
Jane : How do I get to the post office from here?
Jim : Walk two blocks to Ahmad Yani Street. Then turn right on
Diponegoro Street. Go another one block to Sumatera Street and
turn left. The post office is on your right-hand side.
4. At the dining room
Jack : Bye, Mom. I’m going cycling.
Mom : Wait a minute. Clean your room before you leave.
Jack : What do I have to do?
Mom : Hang up your clothes. Make your bed. Put your books back on the
shelf. Empty the wastepaper basket. Okay?
Jack : Okay.
1. Going towards the classroom
Ruben : Let’s not talk.
Adit : Hear the bell?
Rubben : Yes. Let’s go.
Adit : Right. Let’s just go in.
Teacher : Line up, please!
2. Mrs. Green is leaving for work.
Clay : Bye, Mum.
Mrs. Green : Get up, please, Clay!
Clay : No worries, Mum.
Mrs. Green : Come on. Have shower.
Clay : In a minute, Mum.
Mrs. Green : Then have breakfast, okay?
Clay : Just a second, Mum.
Mrs. Green : I am leaving. Bye.
3. In front of a food store
Randy : OK, Mum. Buy me some chocolate, please.
Mother : Randy, I’ll go in to get some food stuff. Please stay and keep an eye
on the motorcycle.
Randy : Sure, Mum.
Mother : I will. Don’t talk to strangers.
4. Anto is leaving for school.
Anto : I won’t, Mum.
Anto : Bye, Mum.
Mother : Bye, Anto. Take care. Don’t receive anything—candies or chocolates-
- from anybody.
1. Stand in line. = berdiri dalam barisan
2. Sit down, please. = silahkan duduk
3. Tidy up your desk, please. = rapikan bangkumu
4. Straighten your chair. = luruskan kursimu
5. Turn on the light.= nyalakan lampunya
6. Stop talking, please.= berhentilah bicara
7. Submit your work, please.= serahkan pekerjaanmu
8. Put on your hat, please = kenakan topimu
Fill in the blanks with one of these words.
1. I have a car. This is … … car.
2. You have two horses. They are … … horses.
3. He has a basket. That is … … basket.
4. She has two baskets. Those are …… baskets.
5. We have five apples. These are … …apples.
6. They have boat. It is … … boat.
My - your - our - his - her - their
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